StreamSets review – creating real time data pipelines in no time
In this post I’ll try to review StreamSets Data Collector, one of the most popular tools for creating smart data pipelines for streaming, batch and change data capture, which allows you to move data around in a near real time. First I’d like to point out that the whole review is my own personal […]
Hybernate FetchType Eager performance issue
Quite recently I had one interesting case related to the quality of code generated by the Hybernate, in which I developed code which runs 25 thousand times faster than the code generated by the framework. It’s well known when you decide to use any framework to speed up code development process, you silently agree […]
Impact of the JVM Garbage Collector on the realistic workload
At the last regional Java and Open Source conference where I held the presentation named: “Java Mission Control now in OpenJDK – best practice”, several questions have been raised about a way of testing JEE apps, influence of a GC (Garbage Collector) on the overall performance, new GC engines etc. With OpenJDK 11 we have […]
OpenJDK Mission Control – how to install it properly
If there is one tool that have almost all what is needed for monitoring, troubleshooting and tuning Java apps, that will be OpenJDK Mission Control. There are several reasons why JMC will be hot topic in Java events from now on: More than 95% of all issues related to JVM, application servers, deployed apps and […]
Installing Oracle JDeveloper on Ubuntu
To complete configuration of Ubuntu machine that I’ll use later for Oracle Development, let’s install JDeveloper, Oracle’s main Java development tool. Although JDeveloper is free, it has never had any significant traction among Java developers. In Java IDE space there are several great competitors, starting with Eclipse, IntelliJ and NetBeans. With such competition it’s difficult […]
Python & Oracle Instant Client connection setup on Linux – part 2
In the previous article I’ve described how to install Oracle Instant Client and setup cx_Oracle Python driver correctly. You only need Basic package to install: Version Base – one of these packages is required Basic Package – All files required to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC-OCI applications Download (72,794,506 bytes) (cksum – 3435694482) […]
Oracle Forms 12c client deployment configuration options
Many Oracle users are still considering Oracle Forms/Reports as the best UI technology Oracle has to offer. It’s not surprising as Forms/Reports technology is very robust, developed through the decades, has proved in many large projects as very reliable and fast technology that leverage three-tier architecture (unlike Oracle APEX, very popular these days for building […]
Firefox NPAPI Java Plugin support and Flash support – part 2
Although I already published one article about NPAPI support and Firefox, it is not valid now, as all major web browsers are stop supporting add-ons like Java, Flash and Silverlight in recent versions. Mozilla Firefox in the next version 57, will have no add-ons at all, while the Microsoft Edge from first release has no […]
Firefox NPAPI Java Plugin support
This article is about how to run Oracle Forms apps in 64bit version of Firefox (preferred choice to run Forms based Web apps) in the latest version of that popular Web Browser. Many large organizations for various reasons have to stick with some particular version of SW. Oracle Retail Suite is one such example, as […]
Oracle Service Bus and Remote JDBC disabled Java error
Recently I’m been facing issues inside OSB (Oracle Service Bus) as one of the data sources are constantly filling a log with the following error: Invoke JCA outbound service failed with application error Remote JDBC disabled servicebus:/WSDL/df67_stock_order_from_RMS/resource/wsdl/df67_swl_sub_stock_order [ df67_swl_sub_stock_order_ptt::insert(ZDf67TransferHeaderStgCollection) ] – WSIF JCA Execute of operation ‘insert’ failed due to: Could not […]