06. 12. 2020.

Bashtop – future of the terminal Linux monitoring

Although the idea of the original top utility is follewed in many similar utilities for terminal based Linux monitoring, till now I’ve been using Htop, atop (which can monitor GPU on top of CPU/Mem/Net/Disk) and Nmon to do a job (later one, called „Topas on steroids” is ported from AIX to Linux). Quite recently I’ve […]

22. 07. 2019.

Oracle database benchmarking by using CALIBRATE_IO

CALIBRATE_IO is yet another popular database simulation/stress test utility, mainly used to perform IO benchmarks.   Procedure, that is part of DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER package, will generate read-only workload made up of 1 MB of random of I/Os to the database to determine the maximum number of IOPS and MB per second. You can save the following […]

07. 07. 2019.

bash history search on steroids

Today there are several hundreds (maybe even thousands) programming languages around (not to mention Domain Specific languages), but bash, with all its shortcoming, is still native language of all *nix servers around. With today’s choices you might not want to create scripts in bash, for one liners bash is still in. In this article I […]

01. 03. 2019.

Starting with Oracle Unit Testing Framework – Part 3 Automation

In this article I’ll describe how you can automate previously created Unit Test. I believe that many of the Oracle SQL Developer users use only core functionality of the tool, and have never become familiar with its more advanced features. I’ve already describes in several articles some of its advanced features (you can use search […]

28. 02. 2019.

Starting with the Oracle Unit Testing Framework – Part 2

This is a second part of the Oracle Unit Testing Framework post. In the first part I’ve created Unit Test repository and prepare everything for testing. Details you can find on the following link: https://www.josip-pojatina.com/en/starting-with-oracle-unit-testing-framework-part-1/   In this part I’ll perform actual test and show some of the numerous options that you have on disposal. […]

26. 02. 2019.

Impact of the JVM Garbage Collector on the realistic workload

At the last regional Java and Open Source conference where I held the presentation named: “Java Mission Control now in OpenJDK – best practice”, several questions have been raised about a way of testing JEE apps, influence of a GC (Garbage Collector) on the overall performance, new GC engines etc. With OpenJDK 11 we have […]

05. 02. 2019.

OpenJDK Mission Control – how to install it properly

If there is one tool that have almost all what is needed for monitoring, troubleshooting and tuning Java apps, that will be OpenJDK Mission Control. There are several reasons why JMC will be hot topic in Java events from now on: More than 95% of all issues related to JVM, application servers, deployed apps and […]

03. 02. 2019.

Starting with Oracle Unit Testing Framework – Part 1

For developers that are using Scrum methodology, it is not important to stress importance of unit tests when developing a new piece of code. Unit tests are important for many reasons like: can find problems in just developed/changed code at the earliest stage (before testing team) are the smallest testable part of application cover just […]

29. 01. 2019.

Putty for Linux copy/paste issue and solution

Putty is probably the most common tool to access Unix/Linux environments on Windows platform by using ssh protocol. Recently I’ve been in situation where I’ve got only Putty generated ppk file to access Unix server. Although I’ve asked if I can get open ssh generated file, that was not possible, as it was assumed that […]

28. 01. 2019.

Easy way to create Virtualbox VM’s internal network

Virtualbox is a very popular hypervisor which allows you to run guest virtual machines like Windows, Linux, BSD, Solaris etc. For various purposes you might want to combine several virtual machines into one network. In this post I’ll describe the easiest way of how to do that, which is good enough for most of the […]