Some vendors still relies on Adobe Flash for rich web contents.
One such example is Oracle, where you can find that all tuning reports are generated by using Flash.
Even Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid, main Oracle monitoring tool still uses Adobe Flash to generate its content.
If you are on Windows, you can use Internet Explorer 6 (other browsers have already ditch Flash related plugins).
In Linux you have one, but good enough option – Pale Moon web browser, which is actually Mozilla Firefox clone.
Here you can find short instructions how to enable Flash based contents on Linux.
- Download the latest version of Pale Moon web browser from the following link:
(bzipped tarball installation) - Installation instructions can be gound here: - Extract downloaded file into your HOME directory:
tar xvf palemoon-28.13.0.linux-x86_64.tar.xz -C ~/ - As a root you can create a symbolic link to start Pale moon browser from the terminal.
ln -s ~/palemoon/palemoon /usr/bin/palemoon
You can also add icons etc. but that is not mandatory. - Start pale Moon browser from command line
> palemoon - Check the location of your profile directory by clicking:
Help –> Troubleshooting information –> Profile Directory click on the button open Directory
It’s somewehere in your HOME directory like:
/home/your_username_home_dir/.moonchild productions/pale moon/a1c1ak3x.default/ - head into that directory and create plugins directory inside:
cd /home/your_username_home_dir/.moonchild productions/pale moon/a1c1ak3x.default/
mkdir plugins - Download Adobe Flash Player from:
and choose tar.gz for Linux version. - Extract downloaded file in some directory:
mkdir /home/your_username_home_dir/palemoon/adobe_flash/
mv flash_player_npapi_linux.x86_64.tar.gz /home/your_username_home_dir/palemoon/adobe_flash/
cd /home/your_username_home_dir/palemoon/adobe_flash/
tar xvfz flash_player_npapi_linux.x86_64.tar.gz - Last step is to copy into the Pale moon plugins directory
cp /home/your_username_home_dir/palemoon/adobe_flash/ /home/jp/.moonchild productions/pale moon/a1c1ek0m.default/plugins/ - Restart the browser and enter the following URL:
Click on button to activate Flash (I always choose Ask to Activate)
From now on you can enjoy in Adobe Flash within your Web browser.
Be aware about security issues connected with Flash technology, and with the fact that Adobe will dessuport it completely, since HTML5 and JavaScript replace it.
But if you need to open html file which uses Adobe Flash like Oracle Tuning report or need to access Oracle or some other monitoring tool which still uses Flash, by following instructions on this blog, you can do your job.
Instructions are created for the latest release of Pale moon at the time of writing which is 28.13.