After the 2020 break due to COVID, .debug – the largest developers conference in SI Europe will be held from 10th – 11th June in a hybrid form: live for a limited number of developers (again due to the COVID), and online.
This time I’d like to invite you on my session entitled – „Troubleshooting data issues in distributed systems with PrestoSQL query engine”, that will take place on Friday, June 11th at 14:30 in #hardcore track.
Here is the short intro.
One of the major issues in modern software architectures is how to find errors in a data stream among distributed components, which in most cases requires manual and time consuming intervention.
Although data errors and inconsistency among components of software architecture have existed before, with the introduction of microservices architecture which, beside the relational databases, stores data in NoSQL databases in many forms, brokers and Data Lake, this problem has escalated like never before.
On top of that, if we add the integration part with so-called legacy systems, the complexity of integrating a hybrid on-premises / Cloud architecture, along with the explosive growth of the amount of data being exchanged, it is not difficult to imagine all the complexity of the problem that every major company have to deal with.
At the session I’ll show how, by applying modern methods of analysis of distributed systems, equipped only with the knowledge of SQL language, you can also quickly find and troubleshoot complex data issues, and spend the saved time in a better way.
You can find out more on the following link: