The creation of business intelligence analytics and the development and deployment of AI/ML very often, due to their very complex architecture, end up utilizing expensive commercial tools.

For the same reason, such solutions are very difficult to maintain, troubleshoot, tune and scale.

Furthermore, to be successful, traditional methods require knowledge of numerous new technologies and DSLs (domain scripting languages).

It is also important to note that the data upon which analytical reports and AI models are based on come with a time delay of at least one day (ETL jobs).

For performing analytics as well as for preparing data, training, and modeling AI algorithms, popular BI tools often require pulling data out from the database and processing it within the tool itself, which is a time-consuming process with a significant impact on the data source.

In the presentation, you will have the opportunity to learn about a modern approach to business intelligence and AI based solely on FOSS (free & open source) software, mainly ClickHouse and its ecosystem, which eliminates all the previously mentioned limitations.

In the case of on-premises deployment, a modern approach to BI & AI offers phenomenal performance with minimal costs.

If you are interested in topics such as Big Data, AI, Real-time analyitics, and the process of building a system capable of fast processing petabytes of data at minimal cost, visit the .debug conference, which will be held from June 6-7, 2024.

The lecture will be held on Friday, June 7th at 4 PM as part of the #hardcore track.

Here is my linkedIn announcement:

More about the conference you can find here:

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